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Case Study_CHO-K1 Titer Comparison
NEW Case Study:

CHO-K1 Titer Comparison 

A CHO-K1 cell line was grown in fed-batch shake flask culture in OPM SagiCHO™ Basal Medium with OPM Feeds (AltairCHO™ Feed / AF169 / AF183 + CDFS36) according to our recommendations, as well as in other basal media and feeds following their manufacturers' recommendations.

Day 14 results demonstrate that higher antibody titers were achieved using OPM SagiCHO™ Medium + OPM Feeds.

NEW Case Study:

CHOZN-GS Titer Comparison 

A CHOZN-GS cell line was grown in fed-batch shake flask culture in different media + feeds.

Day 14 results demonstrate that:

  • OPM StarCHO™ Feed in combination with OPM basal media promoted the highest titers compared to the benchmark competitor basal medium + feed
  • OPM basal media (StarCHO™ Medium and AM266 Medium) promoted higher titers than the benchmark competitor basal medium, no matter with OPM StarCHO™ Feed or Benchmark Feed
Case Study_CHOZN-GS Tier Comparison
Case Study_StarCHO designed for CHO-ZN clones

StarCHO™ designed for CHO-ZN clones

Compared with the control, StarCHO™ increases 130% antibody titer with comparable antibody quality.

(A) Comparable VCD and VIA of all the test groups.

(B) 130% titer increased using StarCHO system with comparable antibody quality.

AltairCHO™ media and feeds

AltairCHO™ media and feed provided > 31% titer increase compared to two major global competitors with comparable antibody quality.

(A) Comparable VCD and VIA of all the test groups. 

(B) 31% titer increased using AltairCHO™ system with comparable antibody quality.

Case Study_AltairCHO
Case Study_SagiCHO with fast cell growth and productivity

Fast Cell Growth and Productivity with SagiCHO™

Compared with the control, SagiCHOTM offers higher viability and increases 130% antibody titer with comparable antibody quality.

(A) The viability SagiCHOTM cultured on the 14th day is 71%, significantly better than that of Control (48%).

(B) 130% titer increased using SagiCHOTM system with comparable antibody quality.

VegaCHOTM media and feeds

VegaCHOTM medium and feed provided > 87% titer increase compared to two major global competitors with comparable antibody quality.

(A) Comparable VCD and VIA of all the test groups. 

(B) 87% titer increased using VegaCHO with comparable antibody quality.

Case Study_VegaCHO